Allan Carr

Allan Carr grew up with traditional music (his grandfather was a piper, sisters played fiddle, accordion and piano, and the family sang many traditional songs together) and heard, learned from, and sang with epic traditional singers such as Jimmy McBeath, Stanley Robertson, Lizzie Higgins, Tom Spiers, Jimmy Hutchison to name a few! Allan won numerous TMSA contests for traditional singing and has also penned his own songs in the traditional style. He is extremely knowledgeable about the history and background to his songs from social and economic perspectives and is an interesting and interactive teacher. He also focuses on helping students with their traditional singing techniques and artistic interpretation of the songs.
In addition to his solo, Allan has played and recorded with Janie in numerous bands including HADDEN, ROTHFIELD & CARR (with Silly Wizards Martin Hadden), RED HEN (with David Kiphuth and Linda Schrade) and CORACREE (with Sarah Gowan and Bill Quern).