Patricia Petersen

Pat holds an MFA in Early Music Performance from Sarah Lawrence College.  A Director Emerita of Amherst Early Music, she is a regular faculty member at that and many other weekend and week-long workshops.  Her vocal group Fortuna recorded on the Titanic label; she also conducted the Amherst Festival Choir on a recording of the music of Heinrich Isaac.  She performs on recorder and other early winds, and has appeared with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra.  She has coached early music ensembles at Wake Forest University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  An ARS certified teacher, she teaches recorder, early music, and English country dance in North Carolina and at workshops around the country, and has a passion for playing from facsimiles of early 15th-century music.  In her other musical life, she loves to harmonize on traditional tunes, and plays a mean banjo-uke.  Pat is currently working with a group of musicians and dancers to develop a retirement community for dancers, musicians, artists, and other like-minded people.